
Ridiculous Habits

(2006-01-28 - 03:54)

I have this bizzare habit.

I throw cookies.

As strange as that sounds, its true. I will be in a store, truck stop or where ever I have pulled over that even has vending machines, and inevitably I find myself buying a package of cookies. I don't NEED these cookies, but rather I DESIRE these cookies. Apparently very badly as I am able to talk mysel into buying them when I know better.

So the next thing I know I'm driving down the highway stealing glances at the package of cookies now riding in the passenger's seat next to me. Gee they look good, I think, but argue that I shouldn't. Before too much longer the same cookies are riding on the dashboard in front of me, while I'm having a full tilt argument with myself. Suddenly, with language that would make a sailor blush, I scream out oaths that make use of all the vowels and sling the unopened package of cookies out the drivers window, to the complete and sudden shock of anyone occupying the left lane at that moment. I'm afraid one day a cop will throw the book at me because I threw the cookies at him.

Good night Diaryland!

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