

(2006-08-24 - 22:14)

...Is turning the six-five to block the domino board, making 45 points in the process, and watching your opponents face when s/he realizes s/he's been caught with the double six.

...Is the joy of watching an animal that you nursed back to health return to the wild, and for that split second in its first moments of freedom, it hesitates, looking back at you, as if to say, "Thanks, man, I appreciate you and I'll miss you." Just before it scampers into the forest to find its own kind. Its moments like that, that make you do it, seem worth all the trouble, and make you realize you won't ever stop.

...Is spotting the outline of a lover in the crowded line in security at the airport. That very first second of recognition makes you heart beat faster. Tten when your eyes finally meet, its only then that you allow yourself to believe all is well and half your heart isn't gone forever.

...Is the feeling you get when the lights blink once, twice, then stay on and you hear that life giving compressor on the airconditioner kick on after an extended power outage.

...Is the joy of reading your hometown's name on a welcome sign after a very long trip.

...Is watching your child running as hard as she can towards you, report card in hand and a huge smile on her face.

...Is waking up with a three year old on your chest, armed with a muffin, who is whispering, "Daddy, this is for you, 'cause your my best freind."

...Is finding an electric razor that works, works well, and doesn't pull the hair from your face, AND is waterproof!

...Is meeting other people that understand poetry, and what Poe's "Raven" was about.

...Is running spellcheck and it reports no misspellings found. (Very rare!)

...Is slipping on a jacket and finding a twenty dollar bill in the pocket.

....Is buttoning a pair of 501's that you've not been able to get in for a long time.

....Is fixing anything at all that prevents any repairman from ripping you off.

...Is that unexpected ice cream find in the deep freeze while digging for tommorow night's supper.

...Is finally remembering "that guy's name" after it has been right on the tip of your tongue for nearly two days.

...Is holding that still warm driver's license in your hand for the first time.

...Is. watching the timing mark on an engine line up while slightly moving the distributor, and finding the "sweet spot" for that V8 engine, and feeling the engine take on a pulse as if it's suddenly alive.

...Is the smell of oil, dirt and alchohol at a small dirt track and watching nine and ten year olds in go karts learn driving skills they will hone into a masterful art that perhaps a few will take to the professional circuit.

...Is the sounds, smells and tastes of a county fair. The lights breaking up the horizon with bright colors of the tilt-a-whirl competes only with the contrasting smells of the blue ribbon pig and corn on the cob.

...Is a hot summer day floating down the river in an inner tube, bear feet dangling in the water without a care in the world.

...Is the smell of just cut grass, the sounds of birds chirping and the smell of watermelon and charcoal drifting in the window.

...Is a blanket, a girl, a bottle of wine and the smell of pamosa trees in full bloom.

Goodnight Diaryland!

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