
days three and four

(06.27.2003 - 11:11 pm)

Day Three

Dear Savannah,
Today you were pretty fussy. It turns out that the nipples we chose were letting you get too much air with your milk. It gave you some serious gas. I gave in and administered some baby-gas-relief and changed to the same type nipples your sister had. You still could care less about your binky. Somehow you can tell right away it�s not the real thing and you spit it out pronto! You are waking up hungry, wet and angry. Gas pains are giving you fits as well still; I hope the little drops work soon.
Tonight you had your first bath. We thought it was great, but you, however, were not impressed in the least! In fact, you were downright inhospitable about being put in the water. I kept thinking it was either too warm or too cold, as did everybody else in the house, so we were all testing it over and over. I guess the little tub was filled and dumped about three times before everybody was sufficiently satisfied that you wouldn�t be scalded or catch cold. The second your butt hit the water you were one unhappy camper, let me tell you! Here�s a snapshot to prove it. First_Bath

Your Mommy bathed you pretty quickly and dried you off in no time. Once warm and in your pajamas again you calmed down. Well, until the gas pains started again. Your Mommy stayed up with you tonight just because you seemed so uncomfortable. She said that before midnight the drops worked their magic and you were sound asleep. You wake up hungry and fussy every four hours though. I could set a clock by you. In fact, I don�t even need a clock come to think of it! I kissed you goodnight on the forehead and tip-toed to bed. Good Night Savannah!

Day Four

Dear Savannah,
Shift change found your Maw-maw rocking you in the rocker. I think she held you most of the day. At about nine o�clock I heard you crying and you both walking down the hallway to our room. Your grandmother announced you were �colicky�. You didn�t have the colic ( Maybe you did really, Webster�s defines Colic as a paroxysm of acute abdominal pain localized in a hollow organ. You were hungry, therefore a hollow organ existed. i.e., your tummy!) you were just hungry as all get-out! You are supposed to get anywhere from one to four ounces of formula every four hours. Somehow your grandmother misunderstood this and would only let you have one ounce every four hours. No wonder you were angry, you were starving! She didn�t mean to however, and the situation was soon rectified with a big bottle and soon you were sound asleep. You slept the whole four hours the rest of the day, and even had to be woke up a couple of times to get fed. All the gas is gone now that the right bottles and nipples are being used. You couldn�t get any more comfortable than you are at this moment in your mommy�s arms sleeping so peaceful. In some ways I envy you so very much. You are such a beautiful baby. I am so very blessed. I have to work tomorrow sweetheart, so I wont be able to update until I get home, in all probability a week. I love you very much and I will be thinking of you. Sweet dreams little one!

I am considering giving Savannah her own diary and linking to it here. Could I get some feedback on this? Should I make her a separate diary or should I just keep doing this and add my own entry at the end? Whaddya think people? Tag me, book me, note me, email me, msg me, or just yell really loud, ok?

G�Night D*Land!

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