

(02.12.2006 - 4:21 pm)

I continue to find amazing the fact that this society of ours continues to be consumed with hate, disrespect and outright racism in spite of constant daily reminders of people dying everywhere in the name of religion. Does anyone other than me find it extraordinary that more people have died in the name of God than for any other reason known to man? That includes drunken driving, highway fatalities and disease! I am forced to question any religion that would have its followers kill another, all the while naming murder as one of its unforgivable sins. Am I simply crazy, or missing something here?
I grow weary of all the rhetoric I hear about racism and political correctness. I�m tired of worrying about the every action I make and the effect that action will have on others. I�m so very tired of people and groups of people taking advantage of every situation to further �The Cause� and spill yet more rhetoric and hate into my and my children�s ears.

Racism: ...any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, color, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.

Based on that definition, would it not be a fair argument then that everyone on the planet has felt racism in some form then? Why does a peaceful solution not present itself now in this modern society? It is my personal belief that there are certain people in our society, albeit a minor fraction, that seek this unrest. I feel that there are certain individuals that have taken this �cause� as their own. I speak of all facets of this problem, as well as all types of racists, active, or passive.

Do you know anyone whom has stopped smoking? Are they not the most militant of all anti-smokers? Even of the people who campaign to stop smoking, the never-before smokers cannot hold a candle to the born-again non-smoker. What about drinker? What of the former couch potato turned fitness guru? Do you see where I�m going here? Nothing compares to the willingness and the fight of the person in �The Good Fight� where they are fighting for the benefit of others. Or, are they?

There is within these individuals, a desire to help others, which I have no doubt about some. At the same time however, I question this driving force, because I think it self serving at best. Who hasn�t at one time or another fantasized about �saving� a friend, or being the hero in your own story line? Why would we want this beyond the fact of saving the friend? The glory and the pride of saying, �I am doing this for �my� people.� When people choose themselves as self-appointed leaders of said group, and the group accepts them as such, don�t think for one minute that monetary gain isn�t considered into all this. As I said, I feel that for the most part these are self serving people truly interested in only their own self survival all the while slowly masturbating the people with the tone, words, and message that they want to hear, and what they think this great leader wants them to hear.
My point is this, I grow so terribly tired of all this. I mean this from all angles, so don�t say I�m tired of hearing about the Civil Rights Movement, because I�m not. What I�m tired of is it being used to promote hate the way that I see it being done today.
No better example could be had than the aftermath of the Hurricane Katrina. I agree that the handling of things by Federal, State as well as local governments was inconceivably horrid; however, did we have to turn it into a racial event? Where there not people of all colors injured, lost, killed and made into �refugees� by the same storm? Did I not see people of all skin color at the convention center?
I was screaming at the top of my lungs at the Mayor myself, and at The Governor, and the President to get those people even the most basic of assistance, yet, I never saw it as a racial event. What I saw was a Mayor who chose immediately after the Convention Center attention by film crews to use the situation to �his advantage� to promote �his cause� and froth at the mouth pointing blame on anyone but himself. He took an opportunity to turn what was already a horribly painful situation and make it even worse.

Did you see even one person mention racism while being interviewed at the convention center until AFTER Mayor Nagin made his racist remarks about the President? I saw people of all colors helping one another in the best ways that they could in what the situation was. The division of race didn�t exist until after Mayor Nagin went personally to the center and made racially motivated remarks. Did you not see the black lady who had stayed by the elderly white woman�s side and was screaming that she would die soon without her medications and even basic necessities? Did you see racism there? I did not either, I saw two humans trying to stay alive.
It�s not just Mayor Nagin that I disagree with. Its time that people let this hate go, because while our society is trying to deal with this problem, people from other lands that hate us ALL will end up blowing us up, dropping a vile of deadly serum, or worse.

Wake up! We are not black; we are not white or any other color.
We are all Americans with an American history.


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