
Cleansing By Fire, I think...

(04.12.2004 - 11:24 pm)

Did you know that if you stand next to a saguaro cactus, the wind almost screams through it's needles? It's truly an eerie sound. If you listen carefully, you can hear the desert calling you by name. It will invite you right out into the open where you'll want to walk for eternity.

I can't really explain this recent fanaticism for the desert. I've always been drawn to it, but not to this extent. I truly want it to take me into it's arms and collect me. For some reason I feel like there are answers in the desert. I am inexplicably drawn to nature there. I am super defensive of it. If I hear people call it �A waste land�, I correct them.

I came close to feeling this way about the ocean, and do to a certain extent, but not to compare with this strange urge to fade away within the cactus, coyotes, sand and rocks.

It is possibly a desire to cleanse. A cleansing by fire, if you will.


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